The Argos Street Department strives to keep the town looking its best. With the help of local residents, we can accomplish this task by periodically picking up yard waste. Please keep your yards looking nice by picking up limbs, grass clippings, leaves, and other yard waste.
All grass, weeds, or other rank vegetation shall never exceed 8 inches in length at any time (Ordinance 2012-8). We ask that you do not mow your grass clippings into the street, as this will cause storm drainage issues during hard rains.
Trash totes are for trash and recycle totes are for recycling. Please do not use them for anything else.
To help keep our town looking its best, the Town of Argos provides regular yard waste pick-up services to residents. It is the homeowner's responsibility to make their own arrangements to have limbs hauled away after tree removal or professional cutting. Limb chipping is for general yard clean-up or storm clean-up only.
Limbs are chipped on Mondays starting at 7:00 am. Please pile all limbs facing the same direction to make wood chipping quick and safe. During times of windy weather, when there are more than the normal amount of limbs down, the Street Department will extend its pick-up over several days.
Yard debris is collected at the curb on Mondays starting at 7:00 am. All debris needs to be in containers that can be easily dumped by one person. Please do not put trash, metal, limbs, or excess soil into the containers. Any debris placed into garbage bags will not be picked up. Due to inclement weather, yard debris pick-up could be delayed and take longer to finish. Spring pick-up will take place in March and April.
The schedule for leaf pick-up with our vacuum truck will be published on our website when it becomes available. Please place leaves and yard waste at the curb, no on the street.
The Town of Argos provides a drop-off location for residents to place yard waste if you would like to clear your yard waste prior to the pick-up date. It is located behind the Argos Municipal Building on the west side. Use the bunker closest to West Street. No limbs in the dumpables! Place limbs neatly in the bunker.
The Park Board Meeting scheduled for Thursday February 20, 2025 @ 5:30pm has been moved to 5:00pm.
Read more...The Argos Town Council will meet in an executive session on Monday March 17, 2025 @ 6:15pm in the council chambers at 201 W…
Read more...The Argos Town Council will meet in a public workshop on Monday February 17, 2025 @ 6:00pm at the Town Hall.